Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014


          There is other language ‘seek knowledge to the land of china’ which means demanding a gigh science despite having a long distance. A lot of people are of the opinion that good public universities, but it is not a private good (not qualified). Gunadarma University was rated the 5th best University in Indonesia. The composition of 1 to 5 the ITB, UI, UGM, IPB and Universities Gunadarma. Gunadarma University has accreditation from BAN-PT in all faculties. So I don’t worry if you do not get a state university. There is still a good private university and of very. Here I will tell the history, meaning and emblem, vision mission and goals, my personal story Universities Gunadarma. To the readers do not get bored first well because we just entered the point. You curious? Let’s refer to.

          Gunadarma University History
          PPIK (computer science education program) was established on 7 August 1981 with 91 students. Saor Mathematics (systems analysis and operations research mathematics). And changes to ASKI (academy of computer science and Indonesia). STGKG (high school computer Gunadarma) 10 June 1984 through a decree formally Gunadarma education foundation. STMIK Gunadarma (high school infomatics and computer management Gunadarma). STIE Gunadarma (high school economics Gunadarma). After a long struggle in the face of various challenges Gunadarma university has been transformed into one of the private colleges based leading information and information and communication technology in Indonesia. University Gunadarma there are 26,000 more students being by over 1,100 faculty. Experience over 25 years accompanied by devotion and dedication of teachers, commitment, foundation and leadership, provision of instructional facilities and public trust. Gunadarma University continues to produce graduates that are useful for the sake of building a future of a better nation.

          Meaning and Emblem University Gunadarma
          Torch standing upright stalk (symbolizes courage to donate dharma devotion to contry and nation). Grail torch dilated and concave (container of extensive knowledge and depth). Golden yellow flames (show undying spirit in their studies and contribute to the community). Purple circle shape (a geometric shape that characterizes the science elaborated and developed). Pentagonal frame (stating that the university based on the principle of Pancasila Gumadarma). Vision, Mission, Goals Gunadarma University. Vision: to be a university-based leading information technology in Indonesia. Mission: to contribute to sustainable economic development and improve the welfare of society. Accounts for a high quality education to the community as a means to quality graduates, professional competent and appropriate to the needs of the nation for current and future. Plays an important role in information technology-based science and technology development. Meet the needs of the community through the introduction, transfer and dissemination of relevant knowledge to achieve national and international standards of quality college with bergokus on the integration of information technology in every aspect of human life. The goal: making existing courses as educational programs featur3ed future based information technology and is able to produce quality human resources that are relevant to demands nation building.

          My Personal Story Gunadarma University
          I am a University student Gunadarma second half of the faculty of economics majors S1 class management EA31. University Gunadarma not just a regular school activity but according to the vision ‘based university information technology’. So there is a lab in which to practice directly ino the software. The goal that we practice from now in the future when in enters the world of work is not surprising and has been trained. For my department that there are 3 lab management including S1 Madas Lab (base management), Akdas Lab (accounting basis), SI Lab (system information). Each lab has rules that must be followd. If the violation will be penalized as well as lab we wear costumes that have been determined. With the practice can add value but my advice to the lab assistant not be too difficult for the students in assignments and exams because we still have other duties in addition to lab. To achieve a statisfactory score I follow the order, carry out the task of lectures and lab assistant well. InsyaAllah statisfactory value is reached. There is a story that is creepy he said in J1 Kalimalang. So be careful an don’t like to be alone where it was filmed. I’m not scary but I never felt. Begin your college with the intention, effort, and pray. InsyaAllah in all that to simplify it and be protected from the unwanted stuff, amin.

“Discourse on there that I quoted from the handbook”

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